MSM and Dems try to kill free speech
--posted by Tony Garcia on 3/26/2005Hat tip to Anti-Strib whose analysis is right on.
Here is an article explaining the how and why of the MSM and the Democrats trying to kill free speech by the common person.
Thanks to McCain-Feingold for screwing up campaigns and tilting the power to the media and incumbents and the rich.
***** CORRECTION *****
The link is not to an 'article' but to an op-ed. Generally I do not make a distinction between 'article' and 'op-ed' because the media (all variations of them) mix the opinions, editorializing and fact reporting to the point that sometimes the distinction is negligible.
On the other hand I try to make a distinction between 'articles' and 'postings' because the posting tend to be clips of articles through which the reader needs to read another link to get the full flavor.
Thank you to truthmissile for pointing out that the link is not an article.
Not to mention the article doesn't say anything about anything that is actually happening. Only about what the author THINKS might happen possibly in the future.
Your mistake is that you believe that the opinions follow the money. The truth is that more often than not the money follows the opinion.
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