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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Previous confirmation votes

--posted by Tony Garcia on 9/28/2005

On the eve of the confirmation vote for John Roberts nomination as Chief Justice of the United States I thought it might be interesting to see how the previous confirmation votes went.

Stephen Breyer, 87-9, 1994.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 96-3, 1993
Clarence Thomas, 52-48, 1991, "yea"--41 Republicans & 11 Democrats, "nay"--46 Democrats & 2 Republicans.
David Souter, 90-9, 1990.
Anthony Kennedy, 97-0, 1988.
Antonin Scalia, 98-0, 1986.
Sandra Day O'Connor, 99-0, 1981.
John Paul Stevens, 99-0, 1975.
William Rehnquist, 68–26, 1971; for Chief Justice, 65–33, 1986.

Really, there is very little justification for those who will oppose Roberts to do so.


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