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Monday, November 28, 2005

These freaks are still out there

--posted by Tony Garcia on 11/28/2005

I love that "Next Blog" button. I found this ridiculous blog. The premise of this blog...that 9/11 was not performed by the Muslims on the planes.
It is quite plausible that explosives were pre-planted in all three buildings and set off after the two plane crashes, which are actually a diversion tactic. Muslims are probably not to blame for bringing down the World Trade Center buildings after all
Yep, you read that right. Oh wait, there's more.
"None of the government-funded studies have provided serious analyses of the explosive demolition hypothesis at all. Until the above steps are taken, the case for accusing ill-trained Muslims of causing all the destruction on 9-11-01 is far from compelling. It just does not add up"
Well, I can tell you why none of the "government-funded studies" have produced squat. They are all run by partisan hacks. The Democrats want to protect Clinton from the scrutiny and criticism he deserves and the Republicans want to protect Bush from any possible scrutiny beyond the unjust crap the left keeps throwing out.

Still, I cannot believe these freaks really believe that crap.


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