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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Facts About The Filibuster Ad

--posted by Tony Garcia on 3/31/2005

People for the American Way Foundation has an ad the completely misstates facts about the Senate Filibuster. (Partisan alert: Given that PAWF is supporting the left it is little surprise that the main tactic is deception.)

Fact Check.org does a great job here explaining how the filibuster has not been used "to do what's right and fair".

They do an even better job of explaining how a filibuster is UNDEMOCRATIC because it gives a minority an un American like disproportionate vote over a majority.
What's actually at stake is whether a minority of 40 senators will continue to have the power to block legislation favored by a majority -- particularly the confirmation of Bush's judicial nominees.
I understand the importance of minority rights, but the filibuster is not balancing minority rights with majority rule, it is allowing minority rights to constantly trump majority rule.


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