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Monday, April 10, 2006

GOP Primary rumor

--posted by Tony Garcia on 4/10/2006

I have been hearing rumors from well placed people in various campaigns that Phil Krinkie and/or Jim Knoblach were planning to make a run in the primaries. Considering I like Phil as a person and think he got the shaft from a slimeball person I hope he realizes that the delegate process is being disrespected and his duty is to run against Bachmann in a primary.

Anyway, I called a number of people within the campaigns to find out more.

It seems that Bachmann was a bit forgetful on Saturday. Remember that she said in a previous lit piece that
I want you to know that my campaign will adamantly fight for any duly elected delegate regardless of who they are supporting.
It seems that Bachmann was the one fighting to remove as many ballots as possible. In the process there was some miscommunication to the point where Krinie was led to believe that scores of ballots were going to be thrown out...oddly enough those that were going to be thrown out seemed to be absent of pro-Bachmann people and chock-full of Krinkie and Knoblach supporters. The comment was made that this could not happen in a primary and [poof] the rumor starts that Krinkie is going to a primary.

Understand that the comment was immediately followed with I'm sorry we're just frustrated with the idea of having legitimate ballots thrown out.

At this point I'm thinking of Bachmann's words
I want you to know that my campaign will adamantly fight for any duly elected delegate regardless of who they are supporting.
But I digress.

So, those of you capable of drilling down into the deeper parts of a story...who would start such a rumor even though the whole thing was cleared up immediately?

I'll give you one guess as to the name of the unethical person that would start a rumor leaving out critical parts of the story to make her candidacy look like a victim.


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